Youth Protection

The Washington Crossing Council is committed to keeping our youth safe and supports the families and volunteers who make this happen.

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Plan your unit’s year-round adventures with the WCC calendar.

Join Scouting

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Scout Camp

The Washington Crossing Council offers outstanding camping opportunities at Ockanickon Scout Reservation.

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Scouting in the Washington Crossing Council

For more than 100 years, Scouting has helped build future leaders by combining educational activities and lifelong values with fun and adventure in the outdoors. The Washington Crossing Council cares passionately about what is happening with kids, their families, and the community – and the council is dedicated to supporting an exciting, quality program that builds better young people and our future leaders.

The Washington Crossing Council provides Scouting programs for young people and their families in Bucks County in Pennsylvania as well as Hunterdon and Mercer Counties in New Jersey. Within this area, approximately 5000 boys and girls participate in Scouting programs on an annual basis.