Cub Scout Day Camp

Blast off for an “Out of this World” experience at Cub Scout Day Camp 2024! Cub Scout Day Camp is a fun-filled week of adventure for Cub Scouts. Make new friends while participating in archery, fishing, STEM, sports, Scout skills, crafts, nature, and more! Scouts are placed in dens by age and grade, and stay in those dens all week. Age appropriate activities are offered to challenge the campers and allow them to learn new skills or expand existing skills. Campers will rotate through a variety of stations each day. Our camps are assessed annually and are nationally accredited to ensure the highest quality and safety so your child will have a positive camp experience! There are 5 different weeks of day camp to choose from. Consider volunteering with your child to join in the fun. Camp is where memories are made to last a lifetime!

Registration will open in February

$235 Early Registration Fee - Wolf thru AOL ranks (entering grade in Fall)
$265 Standard Registration Fee - start date varies based on start of camp
$120 Tiger Scout Registration Fee - Tiger partner must attend (entering 1st grade in Fall)
Registration Closes 2 weeks prior to camp week


Day camp runs from 9AM to 4PM, Monday through Friday. There is pre-camp check-in on the Sunday before camp begins.
If you cannot attend check-in, please arrive by 8AM on Monday.


Core Creek Park
Register Today
Mercer County Park
Register Today
Rosedale Park
Register Today

Ockanickon Scout Reservation
August 4-8, 2025
Register Today

Additional T-Shirts
All Day Camps
Order Today


Registration Tips

  • Add any Youth and Adults to your family profile to be used during registration. (You will be able to add each registration to your shopping cart and pay one eCheck or credit card transaction at the end.)
    • Please Note: Cub Scouts who will be Tigers in the Fall of 2024 (First Grade) must have an Adult register with them as a Tiger Partner to participate in Day Camp.
  • T-shirts
    • Be sure to select/update the correct t-shirt size in the participant's profile. This is the t-shirt included with registration. Please note there is a distinction between sizes. 
      • YOUTH sizes are listed first as “YS, YM, YL” and similar.
      • The other sizes are ADULT sizes.
        • Choosing a size from the wrong category will result in an incorrect size shirt being ordered for Day Camp.
    • You will also be able to purchase additional t-shirts. You will receive an order link in your registration confirmation email.
      • Be sure to select the correct size and participant category when ordering t-shirts. Shirts are special ordered and cannot be exchanged



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