Becoming a Merit Badge Counselor

Merit Badge Counselors (MBC) must be at least 18 years old and of good character. They must also have sufficient skills and education in the subjects they intend to counsel.

Required Paperwork

If the adult is NOT a current approved MB Counselor:

– Complete the BSA Adult Application. The Scouting Position Title should indicate Merit Badge Counselor 

Note: There is a $25 registration fees associated with becoming a MBC unless you already have a paid registration.

All MBCs are registered with the district, not the unit. (Troop/Crew)

– Complete on-line Youth Protection training.

  • You can take Youth Protection at  
  • After taking the training, print out the YPT training certificate and include it with your application.

Even if you’ve already filled out an adult application for another Scouting position, you must fill out one to become a Merit Badge Counselor.  The reason for this is that Merit Badge Counselors are registered with the district and this registration requires separate paperwork.

– If a PA resident or supporting Scouts in PA, complete required clearance as well as the affidavit. Complete the required clearances prior to applying to become a counselor. View instructions HERE.

– Complete the Merit Badge Counselor Information form.  When listing your phone number and e-mail address, be sure to list the information that is the primary ones you are using.

– If applying to counsel the Citizen in Society badge, complete the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Scouting training by logging on to your account. Look for  Diversity, Equity and in Inclusion in Scouting on the right side of the page.  Be sure to clear your browsing history first.

If the adult is already an approved MB Counselor and desires to counsel additional merit badges:

– Complete the Merit Badge Counselor Information form.

– Ensure your BSA YPT training is current.

– Ensure your Pennsylvania Clearances are current.

– If applying to counsel the Citizen in Society badge, complete the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Scouting training by logging on to your account. Look for  Diversity, Equity and in Inclusion in Scouting on the right side of the page.  Be sure to clear your browsing history first.

Submitting Your Paperwork

No matter if you have previously completed Youth Protection Training, make sure your YPT and PA Clearances are current for at least the next 3 months.

Your required completed paperwork will include the BSA Adult Application, if applicable, the MB Counselor Application, copies of required clearances and copies of required merit badge specific certifications.

You can submit your paperwork by dropping off everything at the Scout Service Center, mailing everything to the Scout Service Center or scanning and submitting everything as a PDF to:

Once received at the Council Service Center, the Registrar will ensure your training and clearances are complete and current.  Then the MB Information form will be reviewed by your district’s Advancement Chair or their designee.  The review will be to confirm the applicant has the qualifications to counsel the specific merit badge/s.

Your paperwork must be approved by your district’s Advancement Chair or their designee.

You may be contacted for answers to any questions.

Allow up to 3 weeks for processing.

Contact your district Advancement Chair for further information or if you have questions.

Merit Badge Counselor Required Annual Renewal

Merit Badge Counselors are REQUIRED to renew their MB Counselor registration every year.  The Council sends out an e-mail every August to all MB Counselors asking them about their desire to remain on the approved MB Counselor list.


When responding to the annual renewal email, your options will be to continue as is, or continue as an MB Counselor, but dropping one or more badges.

All non-responsive Counselors will be dropped from the approved list.

If at the time of your Annual Renewal you decide you would like to counsel any additional badges, then you must send a completed Merit Badge Information form to

See all the prior instructions concerning submitting the Merit Badge Information form.

You may send in any MB Counselor applications in at the same time as your unit’s annual charter renewal. Just be sure to submit the applications separately from the charter renewal.

Badges that Require Special Training

To improve safety, certain merit badges require specific training or experience.

Counselors who do not meet the specific requirements may use the services of helpers who do.  See section, Qualifications of Counselors in the Guide to Advancement, for more details.

General Supervision Requirements

Swimming and watercraft activities must be conducted in accordance with BSA Safe Swim Defense or BSA Safety Afloat, respectively, and be supervised by mature and conscientious adults at least 21 years old and trained in the program applicable. Counselors for merit badges involving swimming or the use of watercraft must be so trained, or use helpers who are.

All physical activities presented in any Scouting program must be conducted in accordance with the BSA S.A.F.E. Checklist.

These 4 points, embodying good judgment and common sense, can be found at SAFE Checklist | Boy Scouts of America (

CPR instruction, wherever it is required, must be taught by people currently trained as CPR instructors by a nationally certified provider, such as the American Red Cross, the Emergency Care and Safety Institute, or the American Heart Association.

The following merit badges have special qualifications or certifications for either the merit badge counselor or the supervisor of certain activities that may be involved. Counselors and advancement administrators should consult the merit badge pamphlets for details and to maintain awareness of changes and updates as pamphlets are revised.


Snow Sports

The qualifications for aquatics-related merit badge counseling and supervision not only assist in managing risk, but also give counselors credibility.

Current policies are found at: and supersede any other publications or literature.

Aquatics-related merit badges include:




Motor Boating


Scuba Diving

Small Boat Sailing



Water Sports



The qualifications for shooting sports-related merit badge counseling and supervision not only assist in managing risk, but also give counselors credibility.

Current policies are found at: and supersede any other publications or literature.

See the Guide to Safe Scouting and the BSA National Shooting Sports Manual for further details on shooting sports.  Shooting sports related merit badges include:


Rifle Shooting

Shotgun Shooting

All required certifications for any and all merit badges must be current.