The Role of the Unit Committee
The unit committee chair and its members participate to approve the Scout’s Eagle Project Proposal. They may be asked to sit on the Eagle Board of Review. They must understand the purposes of the Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal approval process and the Eagle Board of Review.
- The committee reviews the Eagle Project Proposal presented by the Life Scout, following the latest BSA Guide to Advancement and the Project Proposal section of the BSA Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook.
- Committee members must know what is an acceptable Eagle Project. It must demonstrate planning and development, and be complex enough to demonstrate leadership as defined in the BSA Guide to Advancement and the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook.
- The committee must be certain the Scout understands why and what needs to be done should their proposal be initially rejected. The reasons for rejection, as well as expectations, should be given to the Scout and the unit leader in writing.
- After all requirements on the BSA Eagle Application are completed, including requirement 5, the committee chair should review the documents and then sign the application. This indicates that he/she feels the Scout is ready for an Eagle Board of Review. If there is any doubt, the committee chair should have a conversation with the unit leader to put in place a plan to address these concerns. Ideally, this is done well before this point.
- Once the Eagle Scout Application is checked for thoroughness and it contains all necessary signatures, ONLY the application and the contact information page from the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook are submitted to the While electronic submission is the preferred method, it is also acceptable to hand deliver or use USPS.
- After the Council verifies the information on the application, the District Advancement Chair will schedule an Eagle Board of Review with the unit’s designated contact.
- Some committee members may be asked to participate in the Eagle Board of Review, which is typically chaired by the committee chair or the unit advancement coordinator, and it is overseen by the District Advancement Chair or another representative of the district advancement committee. A district representative must be in attendance.
- The Eagle Board of Review is not a time to test skills. It is a time to speak about character and leadership, explore the unique perspectives of the Scout about their experiences. This will be their last Board of Review, so an expression of appreciation for their time in Scouting may be in order. This can be a powerful launching pad as the Scout moves forward in life. The Eagle Board of Review members should especially be aware how a board of review is conducted, the appropriate questions to ask, and to ascertain if the Scout’s Eagle Scout Service Project met the requirements.
- Approval of the board must be unanimous. If so, the board chair and the district representative sign the application. If not, the reasons must be given to the Scout in writing. The procedures for this process are clearly outlined in the Guide to Advancement, Section 9.
- If the Scout is approved for the rank of Eagle Scout, the application is returned to the Council by the district representative for final approval by the Scout Executive. It is then sent to the National Office for final processing. When that is complete, the Troop will be notified that the Scout’s documents are available at the Council Service Center for pickup. Only at this time should the Eagle Court of Honor be scheduled.